Smart Farming
Smart Farming Club – is an expert community of top agriculture leaders, who combine their efforts and expertise to strive for technological progress, and to discuss future farming topics.

Promotion of the agribusiness industry with the aim of transforming it with technological progress and developments.
Thematic formal and informal events, both offline and online.
Motives for creating SFC
  • Insufficient number of new sources for development of agricultural sector
    Our community includes events aimed at developing both personal competencies of industry leaders and creating technological trends in the development of agribusiness industry.

  • Significant differences in the development and specifics of regions, including their digitalization level
    The community encourages active interaction between business representatives of regional and international companies.
  • The problem of involving business in the practice of partnership and exchange of experience
    SFC provides a permanent platform for experience exchange and implementation of best practices.
In terms of the technological transformation of the agricultural industry, for the business community it's a marathon, not a sprint.
Club Structure

Smart Farming Club brings together executives responsible for business development, innovation and implementation of digital transformation, as well as thought leaders and organizational heads of the agribusiness industry companies.
Bjoerne Drechsler
Club Chairman,
Executive Board Member of Ekotechnika AG
Big Agricultural Enterprises
Farm Company Owners
Chief Engineers
Directors of Innovation
Plant Production Directors
IT and Digitalization Directors
Development Directors
Medium-sized Agricultural Enterprises
SFC in numbers


agricultural enterprises and farms
> 2,9 mln hectares

of land belong to SFC members
> US$ 7,7 billion

annual revenue of SFC members
SFC Drivers
  • Dialogue

    Club membership provides a unique opportunity to join a professional community for open communication and exchange of best practices.
  • Technological advances

    Club meetings provide intellectual agendas and high-level speakers to discuss current topics and issues on the technological and innovative development of farm enterprises.
  • Development

    Thematic workshops on the development of modern soft-skills, required for the management of technological transformation.
SFC Benefits
  • Distinctive Program
    Unique educational modules
    Discussion battles
    Radio broadcasts
    Site visits to the technology enterprises
    Informal thematic meetings with other experts and leaders
  • Personalized Services
    Loyalty system
    Knowledge base
    Mobile app
    Live chats
  • Media Support
    Preparation and distribution of press releases about the activities of SFC members.
    Preparation and distribution of expert comments on behalf of SFC members.
    Coverage of the SFC's activities in social networks.
SFC Projects
Live broadcasts on Mediametrics radio station with SFC members.
SFC exclusive social network (mobile app) platform for communication, meetings, exchange of experiences and creation of a knowledge base.
Join SFC or ask a question